Want your kids to be successful in life? Then teach them to work. Find out 30 ways your kids can earn money.

If you want your children to be successful in life, teach them to work! Learning how to work hard and manage the money they earn is essential to becoming a successful adult. In my book Rubric Rules: A Cleaning System for Kids, I explain how teaching your children to work and manage their money responsibly is one of the best things you can do to build character.
So how can a youngster earn money? My twin boys started their first business when they were twelve. It was called The Pooper Scoopers. They passed out flyers throughout our neighborhood stating they would pick up dog poop, dog walk, and pet sit. Originally, they got one customer. They made $10 a week for picking up the dog poop three times a week. It took them about ten minutes each time. Not bad money for a twelve year old. Within six months, they had two customers. Then they got a job walking two dogs. For the next five years, they got paid $65 a month for walking the dogs three times a week.
When they turned 13, they started their own lawn business called Twin Lawn Care. Every spring and fall they would pass out hundreds of flyers in our neighborhood stating they would mow, clean out flowerbeds, rake leaves, shovel snow, and do miscellaneous labor. The first year, they had two customers. The next year, they got two more customers. In addition, people started calling them for one time miscellaneous jobs. Each year, they got more and more customers. Whenever a customer would ask how much they charged, they would always answer with, “Pay us whatever you think is fair.” Their customers ALWAYS paid more than they would have asked for!

With their lawn business, not only were they able to buy their own cars in high school, they also received all kinds of college scholarships for their entrepreneurial spirit.
When my sons were young, they had to advertise the old fashioned way with paper flyers. (It still works!) However, today there are even better ways to advertise. For instance, there are all kinds of social media platforms to advertise on now. You might also be able to advertise in your neighborhood’s newsletters or post a flyer on the bulletin board of your neighborhood clubhouse.
Ready for ideas? Here are 30 great ideas for how your child can earn money. (Be sure to check for local and neighborhood regulations.)
1. Babysit
2. Mow lawns
3. Clean out flowerbeds
4. Weed flowerbeds
5. Rake leaves
6. Water plants
7. Pick up dog poop
8. Pet sit
9. Walk dogs
10. Wash dogs
11. Miscellaneous labor
12. Shovel snow
13. Lemonade Stand
14. Garage Sale
15. Host a neighborhood car wash
16. Paint house numbers on curbs
17. House sit
18. Wash windows
19. Clean baseboards
20. Tutor a younger child in reading, math, etc.
21. Teach computer skills to older adults
22. Set up a Facebook page for older adults
23. Teach younger children guitar or piano lessons
24. Take old clothing to a consignment shop
25. Sell old video games
26. Sell toys, etc. on eBay
27. Paint nails or toenails for cheap
28. Do extra chores for parents or relatives like cleaning out the
garage, attic, basement, closets, etc.
29. Sell mistletoe at Christmas
30. Get a job at a:
-Grocery store
- Fast food restaurant
- Delivering papers, pizza, groceries
- Life Guard
- Lawn mowing crew
- As a sports referee
To learn more about teaching your child a good work ethic, and how to manage money wisely, get Rubric Rules: A Cleaning System for Kids.
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