My Story
Hi! I'm Katie Ely. It was 29 years ago that I discovered I was pregnant with twin boys. I excitedly started reading every best-selling parenting book I could—and was shocked! I was appalled at what I felt was really bad advice. It was permissive, indulgent, and lacked instilling virtues. I remember thinking, “Wow. Iif parents follow this advice, we’re going to have a population of selfish, irresponsible, disrespectful people who have no self-control. (Did I nail it or what?)
It was then that I birthed the idea of writing a practical parenting book based on biblical principles. Since then, I’ve spent the past 26 years learning all I could about raising well-behaved children. I’ve collected knowledge from my experience as a teacher, researcher, and mom. As a teacher, I learned that training was the key to good behavior. As a researcher, I learned that training wires the brain so the behavior will be performed unconsciously or with very little effort. As a mom, I learned that training works!
My boys are all grown up now, and in my humble opinion, they have turned out awesome. They are kind, courteous, responsible, hard-working—and they love their mom!
My passion is to help Christian parents raise up a godly generation—a generation who is virtuous, loving, and follows the ways of God.

Educator Katie Ely is the author of Parenting with Focus, Rubric Rules: A Cleaning System for Kids, Proactive Discipline, and the creator of the Parenting with Focus Video Course. She’s also been a freelance contributor to Focus on the Family and Lifeway's Parenting Teens. Katie's experience as a teacher, researcher, and mom helps her give practical, how-to advice on training children. She holds a BS and a M.Ed. in Elementary Education from the University of Oklahoma and the University of Mississippi, respectively. Katie and her husband have two adult sons.